CP Rail strike could of had major impacts to farmers

The CP Rail strike that took place earlier this week, although short, could’ve had major impacts affecting many areas including the supply chain. Tory Campbell Reeve for Lethbridge County says with there being so much uncertainty right now, adding any more disruption to the supply chain could’ve been devastating.

“I think just given the fact that we had such a challenging year last year there is so little feed in the area. Anyone who has animals on feed, I shouldn’t say anyone, but most people who has animals on feed I think are reliant on those trains coming from the states be it corn, dried distillers grains, other feed grains that are coming up on trains, I think that was obviously top of mind for a lot of people in the area. I know we reached out to federal ministers of agriculture, labour, and transportation, and tried to stress to them the importance of having those trains move into Southern Alberta to bring that corn,” Tory Campbell, Reeve for Lethbridge County.

Campbell says he is very happy the issues have been resolved and hopes there won’t be any reverberations with the strike.


Angela Stewart

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