Witness testifies at National Citizens Inquiry in Saskatoon

The National Citizens Inquiry into the pandemic held more meetings in Saskatoon over the weekend. Many came out to take in the testimonies of expert witnesses and others who shared the impact that the pandemic lockdowns and mandates had on their lives.  Jody McPhee spoke at the inquiry and says her father died as a result of complications associated with the COVID-19 vaccine. She also says she was fired from her job for refusing to get the jab. 

“So on May 28th , when my dad passed away, that was all I needed needed to see. At that time, my age group had come up to be to get my first dose of the vaccine. But I was a little bit hesitant, or maybe even a lot hesitant. It was confusing to me and very kind of uncomfortable and awkward how politicians were pushing this. Unfortunately, my employer, instead of showing me compassion upon my dad’s death, unfortunately, they showed me a witch hunt. I was persecuted, and I was degraded and humiliated and segregated and belittled and eventually fired. After seven years of seven years of hard work and loyalty and sacrifice.”

The National Citizens Inquiry now heads to Red Deer for more testimonies April 26-28. It will then make its way to Vancouver, Quebec City and Ottawa next month.  

Angela Stewart

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