Former Newscast Director blows the whistle on mainstream media narrative

Anita Krishna was a TV newscast director who was allegedly fired from her job with Global Vancouver. She says it was because she questioned the narrative her employer was pushing and not offering proper balance in regards to COVID-19 related stories. Krishna says her red flags went up when all of the catch phrases started coming out. She says it almost sounded like if they were scripted.

Naveen Day

Naveen's career in broadcast and production spans close to 30 years. Prior to his move to Alberta, he was Senior Producer for two factual entertainment shows for Shaw and BellMTS, which were produced in his hometown of Winnipeg. He also served as a Producer and Production Supervisor at one of Canada's largest and fastest growing churches, and helped lead a production team of 75 volunteers. Naveen came on board with the team at Bridge City News in 2018 and performs on both sides of the camera lens as Producer, Editor, Production Coordinator, Back-up Anchor, Interview Host, and Video Journalist. In February 2022, Naveen went to Ottawa to provide daily, boots-on-the-ground coverage of the Freedom Convoy - an experience he describes as a monumental moment in Canadian history. Naveen is a two-time Communicator Awards recipient. In 2023, he won the Excellence Award for a piece he did on Alberta's Disability workers, and in 2024, he won again for a story titled, "New Smile, New Life".

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